Day 2 - OAI/FlexRIC Tutorial

Table of Contents


Install Dependencies

sudo apt install git vim tree net-tools libsctp-dev python3.8 cmake-curses-gui libpcre2-dev python-dev build-essential cmake libfftw3-dev libmbedtls-dev libboost-program-options-dev libconfig++-dev libtool autoconf python3-pip curl bison flex iperf unzip

Install Swig 4.1

git clone
cd swig
git checkout release-4.1
./configure --prefix=/usr/
make -j8
sudo make install

Check GCC Version (gcc-10, gcc-12, or gcc-13)

gcc --version


If you see that you have gcc 11, follow the steps given here to switch to a different version

Install Docker Compose

sudo apt install -y putty ca-certificates gnupg
sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
echo "deb [arch="$(dpkg --print-architecture)" signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] "$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME")" stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install -y docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin

Check docker compose version. The installed version should be v2.29.

sudo docker compose version


Optional Step: If you do not want to use sudo while executing docker compose commands, run sudo usermod -a -G docker $(whoami) and reboot the machine.


Setup OAI 5G Core Network

In this demo, we will employ the Core Network solution provided by Open Air Interface. This solution deploys network functions as docker containers. The CN components can be customized according to experimental requirements by modifying the configuration files. However, for the purposes of this tutorial we retain the default functionality.

Get Core Network Configuration files and docker images

wget -O ~/
unzip ~/
mv ~/openairinterface5g-develop-doc-tutorial_resources-oai-cn5g/doc/tutorial_resources/oai-cn5g ~/oai-cn5g
rm -r ~/openairinterface5g-develop-doc-tutorial_resources-oai-cn5g ~/
cd ~/oai-cn5g
sudo docker compose pull

Test the deployment of Core Network

sudo docker compose up -d
OAI 5G CN Initialization

Verify that all the 10 containers are deployed and healthy.

sudo docker ps -a
OAI CN Deployment Verification

Turn the core network off.

sudo docker compose down

Setup OAI Radio Access Network and UE

Clone the OAI 5G RAN repository and checkout the oaic_workshop_2024_v1 branch.

git clone ~/oai
cd ~/oai
git checkout oaic_workshop_2024_v1
cd ~/oai/cmake_targets/
./build_oai -I -w SIMU --gNB --nrUE --build-e2 --ninja
OAI Installation

Setup FlexRIC

Clone the OAI 5G RAN repository and checkout the beabdd07 commit.

git clone ~/flexric
cd ~/flexric
git checkout beabdd07

Build the flexRIC module.

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
CMake Build of flexRIC module
make -j`nproc`
sudo make install
Tmux cheatsheet

Deploy 5G Network

Start the Core Network

In Terminal 1,

cd ~/oai-cn5g
sudo docker compose up -d
cd ~/

Check if the Core Network is up and running

sudo docker ps -a

Start the gNB

In Terminal 1,

cd ~/oai/cmake_targets/ran_build/build
sudo ./nr-softmodem -O ../../../targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/ --gNBs.[0].min_rxtxtime 6 --rfsim --sa
gNB Initialization

Start the UE

In terminal 2,

cd ~/oai/cmake_targets/ran_build/build
sudo ./nr-uesoftmodem -r 106 --numerology 1 --band 78 -C 3619200000 --rfsim --sa --uicc0.imsi 001010000000001 --rfsimulator.serveraddr

Start the near-RT RIC

In terminal 3,

cd ~/
Near-RT RIC Initialization E2 Message reception and RAN function Accept

Exchange traffic between Network and UE

Streaming Traffic using Ping

For uplink ping - UE to network

In terminal 4,

ping -I oaitun_ue1

For Downlink ping - Network to UE

sudo docker exec -it oai-ext-dn ping <ue_ip>

Use ctrl+c or ctrl+d to stop/exit the ping processes.

Streaming Traffic with iPerf

Downlink iPerf

Find out the IP address of the UE by running ifconfig on the UE machine and check the IP address field of oaitun_ue1 network Interface. Here we initialize an iperf server for UDP traffic.

In terminal 4,

iperf -s -u -i 1 -B <ue_ip>

The below command generates UDP traffic for 100 seconds, at the rate of 10Mbps from the Core network. In terminal 5,

sudo docker exec -it oai-ext-dn iperf -u -t 100 -i 1 -fk -B -b 10M -c <ue_ip>

Uplink iperf

On terminal 4, initialize the iperf server (metrics are printed every second) for TCP traffic run,

sudo docker exec -it oai-ext-dn iperf -s -i 1 -fk -B

In terminal 5, run

iperf -c -i 1 -b 10M -B <ue_ip>

Run xApps


First we will run the KPIMON xApp and observe some metrics. This xApp is based on the E2SM-KPM (Key Performance Metrics) service model. It is responsible for collecting metrics collected by the RAN and forwarding it to relevant xApps to help in RAN control. Per O-RAN specifications, 5G measurements supported by KPM are specified in 3GPP TS 28.552. Some of the metrics supported are DRB.PdcpSduVolumeDL, DRB.PdcpSduVolumeUL, DRB.RlcSduDelayDl, DRB.UEThpDl, DRB.UEThpUl, RRU.PrbTotDl, RRU.PrbTotUl. In this implementation Report Style 4 (Section 7.4.5) has been considered.

In a new Terminal, run

cd ~/flexric

RAN Control (RC) xApp

This xApp enables control of RAN services exposed by the RAN. The current implementation exposes RAN control function QoS flow mapping configuration. This version of the xApp supports REPORT Service Style 4 (UE Information - section 7.4.5) - aperiodic subscription for UE RRC State Change and CONTROL Service Style 1 (“Radio Bearer Control” - section 7.6.2) - “QoS flow mapping configuration” (e.g creating a new DRB).

cd ~/flexric

Follow the instructions during the workshop to modify the RC xApp in order to issue a Control Command to the gNB to release a specified UE’s connection.