Multiples UEs ZMQ

Before you begin, git clone the main-file-repo repository. This should provide the files for running the multiple UEs

cd ~/
git clone

Instructions for setting a 4G Network with Multiple UEs

1. Edit Configurations

We need to change some settings in the srsRan config files to use ZMQ for the multiple UEs. Access the command line as superuser:

sudo -i

Open rr.conf configuration file with the following command:

vim /root/.config/srsran/rr.conf

Make sure the following lines of text are commented with //:

nr_cell_list =
    //   {
    //    rf_port = 1;
    //    cell_id = 0x02;
    //    tac = 0x0007;
    //    pci = 500;
    //    root_seq_idx = 204;

    // TDD:
    //dl_arfcn = 634240;
    //band = 78;

    // FDD:
    //    dl_arfcn = 368500;
    //    band = 3;
    //  }

Save and close the file. Then open ue.conf configuration file with the following command:

vim .config/srsran/ue.conf

Comment out the [rat.eutra] section:

#dl_earfcn = 3350

Comment out Lte release under the [rrc] section:

#release = 15

Make sure [] section is commented out as well:

#bands = 3,78
#nof_carriers = 1

Save and close the file. Then open enb.conf configuration file with the following command:

vim .config/srsran/enb.conf

Make sure device_name and device_args are commented out:

#device_name = zmq
#device_args = fail_on_disconnect=true,tx_port0=tcp://*:2000,rx_port0=tcp://localhost:2001,tx_port1=tcp://*:2100,rx_port1=tcp://localhost:2101,id=enb,base_srate=23.04e6

Finally, we exit the root:


2. Start a multi-UE network

Here, we use two UEs as an example.

Terminal 1: Add two UEs:

sudo ip netns add ue1
sudo ip netns add ue2

Check the results:

sudo ip netns list

If two UEs are listed, start the Core Network:

sudo srsepc

Terminal 2: Set up Environment Variables and Base Station:

export E2NODE_IP=`hostname -I | cut -f1 -d' '`
export E2NODE_PORT=5006
export E2TERM_IP=`sudo kubectl get svc -n ricplt --field-selector -o jsonpath='{.items[0].spec.clusterIP}'`

sudo srsenb --enb.n_prb=100 --enb.enb_id=0x19B --rf.device_name=zmq --rf.device_args="fail_on_disconnect=true,tx_port=tcp://*:2000,rx_port=tcp://localhost:2009,id=enb,base_srate=23.04e6" --ric.agent.remote_ipv4_addr=${E2TERM_IP} --log.all_level=warn --ric.agent.log_level=debug --log.filename=stdout --ric.agent.local_ipv4_addr=${E2NODE_IP} --ric.agent.local_port=${E2NODE_PORT}

Terminal 3: Set up the first UE:

sudo srsue \
  --rf.device_name=zmq --rf.device_args="tx_port=tcp://*:2010,rx_port=tcp://localhost:2008,id=ue,base_srate=23.04e6" \
--usim.algo=xor --usim.imsi=001010123456789 --usim.k=00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff --usim.imei=353490069873310 \
--log.all_level=warn --log.filename=stdout --gw.netns=ue1

Terminal 4: Set up the second UE:

sudo srsue \
  --rf.device_name=zmq --rf.device_args="tx_port=tcp://*:2007,rx_port=tcp://localhost:2006,id=ue,base_srate=23.04e6" \
--usim.algo=xor --usim.imsi=001010123456780 --usim.k=00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff --usim.imei=353490069873310 \
--log.all_level=warn --log.filename=stdout --gw.netns=ue2

Terminal 5: Attach the two UEs to eNB:

cd ~/main-file-repo

Generate traffic by iperf3: In Terminal 6 and 7:

iperf3 -s -i 1 -p 5201
iperf3 -s -i 1 -p 5301

In Terminal 8 and 9:

sudo ip netns exec ue1 iperf3 -c -b 10M -i 1 -t 600 -p 5201
sudo ip netns exec ue2 iperf3 -c -b 10M -i 1 -t 600 -p 5301

Instructions for setting a 5G Network with Multiple UEs

1. Setup

Access the command line as superuser:

sudo -i

Open user_db.csv file with the following command:

vim /root/.config/srsran/user_db.csv

edit the file with the following:


Terminal 1:open a terminal run the following commands for each UE:

sudo ip netns add ue1
sudo ip netns add ue2
sudo ip netns add ue3
sudo ip netns add ue4
sudo ip netns add ue5

Check the results:

sudo ip netns list

If five UEs are listed, start the Core Network:

sudo srsepc

Terminal 2: Set up Environment Variables and Base Station:

export E2NODE_IP=`hostname -I | cut -f1 -d' '`
export E2NODE_PORT=5006
export E2TERM_IP=`sudo kubectl get svc -n ricplt --field-selector -o jsonpath='{.items[0].spec.clusterIP}'`

sudo srsenb --enb.n_prb=50 --enb.enb_id=0x19B --rf.device_name=zmq --rf.device_args="fail_on_disconnect=true,tx_port0=tcp://*:2000,rx_port0=tcp://localhost:2001,tx_port1=tcp://*:2100,rx_port1=tcp://localhost:2101,id=enb,base_srate=23.04e6" --ric.agent.remote_ipv4_addr=${E2TERM_IP} --log.all_level=warn --ric.agent.log_level=debug --log.filename=stdout --ric.agent.local_ipv4_addr=${E2NODE_IP} --ric.agent.local_port=${E2NODE_PORT}

Terminal 3: Set up the first UE:

sudo srsue --rf.device_name=zmq --rf.device_args="fail_on_disconnect=true,tx_port0=tcp://*:2002,rx_port0=tcp://localhost:2052,tx_port1=tcp://*:2102,rx_port1=tcp://localhost:2152,id=ue1,base_srate=23.04e6" --gw.netns=ue1 --usim.algo=xor --usim.imsi=001010123456789

Terminal 4: Set up the second UE:

sudo srsue --rf.device_name=zmq --rf.device_args="fail_on_disconnect=true,tx_port0=tcp://*:2003,rx_port0=tcp://localhost:2053,tx_port1=tcp://*:2103,rx_port1=tcp://localhost:2153,id=ue2,base_srate=23.04e6" --gw.netns=ue2 --usim.algo=xor --usim.imsi=001010123456780

Terminal 5: Set up the third UE:

sudo srsue --rf.device_name=zmq --rf.device_args="fail_on_disconnect=true,tx_port0=tcp://*:2004,rx_port0=tcp://localhost:2054,tx_port1=tcp://*:2104,rx_port1=tcp://localhost:2154,id=ue3,base_srate=23.04e6" --gw.netns=ue3 --usim.algo=xor --usim.imsi=001010123456781

Terminal 6: Set up the fourth UE:

sudo srsue --rf.device_name=zmq --rf.device_args="fail_on_disconnect=true,tx_port0=tcp://*:2005,rx_port0=tcp://localhost:2055,tx_port1=tcp://*:2105,rx_port1=tcp://localhost:2155,id=ue4,base_srate=23.04e6" --gw.netns=ue4 --usim.algo=xor --usim.imsi=001010123456782

Terminal 7: Set up the fifth UE:

sudo srsue --rf.device_name=zmq --rf.device_args="fail_on_disconnect=true,tx_port0=tcp://*:2006,rx_port0=tcp://localhost:2056,tx_port1=tcp://*:2106,rx_port1=tcp://localhost:2156,id=ue5,base_srate=23.04e6" --gw.netns=ue5 --usim.algo=xor --usim.imsi=001010123456783

Terminal 8: Attach the five UEs to eNB:

cd ~/main-file-repo

Generate traffic by iperf3: In Terminal 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13:

iperf3 -s -i 1 -p 5201
iperf3 -s -i 1 -p 5301
iperf3 -s -i 1 -p 5401
iperf3 -s -i 1 -p 5501
iperf3 -s -i 1 -p 5601

In Terminal 14, 15, 16, 17, 18:

sudo ip netns exec ue1 iperf3 -c -b 10M -i 1 -t 600 -p 5201
sudo ip netns exec ue2 iperf3 -c -b 10M -i 1 -t 600 -p 5301
sudo ip netns exec ue2 iperf3 -c -b 10M -i 1 -t 600 -p 5401
sudo ip netns exec ue2 iperf3 -c -b 10M -i 1 -t 600 -p 5501
sudo ip netns exec ue2 iperf3 -c -b 10M -i 1 -t 600 -p 5601